小小 与 大大


Sunday, March 13, 2011

”小小“ 在播放

在一个美丽的夜晚里。。。。。小小 遇到 大大

小小 :好久不见,你好吗 ?
大大 :好久不见,我很好。你呢 ?
小小 :我还是老样子,没变。


大大 :哈哈 !我听说你。。啊。。啊。。
小小 :我 ?我什么 ?你听到什么?
大大 :没什么啦。突然间又忘了。
小小 :忘了!这么快。不想说,就不要说出来吧。
大大 :天呀!不要生气吗?刚才突然间,静起来,不懂要说设么。
小小 :(转身,然后微笑)
大大 :我。。我。。
小小 :又来了。要说不出口。每次都是这样,不能勇敢点吗?气死我了!我。。我。。什么    呀?
大大 :。。。。
小小 :不想说,就不用说啦。
大大 :小小,真么就没见了,为什么你还是没变,还是那么喜欢骂我。
小小 :(往下看,觉得有一点内疚-为什么那么久没见面,难得见面,就骂人呀)
小小 :。。。
大大 :(慢慢握着小小的手)你觉得这一刻是一种缘分吗?
小小 :缘分?你越说越远了。我听不明白,请把你的手放开啦,等一下,被人看见 就不好啦
大大 :不,我不会再放开了。我会在那么笨了。你说我每次都没勇气,现在我就要给你一个明白。到底,你是在装傻还是你真的不明白呀?我说的都是真心话。
小小 :懂什么?什么真心话呀? (假装)
大大 :(站前一步,吧小小的手放在胸口里)我的心在这里,你感觉到吗? 
小小 :(傻傻的看着大大,慢慢把手拿开)感觉到,又会怎样呢?在一年前 我就能感觉到了,但是又什么好开心呀。你从来都没有踏出那一步,根本都不会有什么改变。知道,感觉到,有会代表着什么呀?
大大 :我承认 我很笨 我很傻 我没有勇气。什么都要怕一场。其实这一年来,我一直很想找你。虽然我知道了 你在哪里,但是还是不敢去找你。我不懂你还会记得我吗?不懂你已经有对象了吗?但是,在这一刻,这一刻 (握回小小的手)我能遇到你就是一种缘分。我不想再失去你了。
小小 :大大,你。。
大大 :听我说把,小小。你就是好像我故事里的一个人,没有了你,我的故事就不会完美了。不能少了你的一部分。我过的每一秒,都那么的需要你。就给我一个机会,也给你一个机会。答应我好吗?我们不要再逃避了。
小小 :也许 这就是缘分吧。离开了一年,却给我们再遇见。我重来没想过会在见到你,我以为 我会把你忘了,但是你却一直在我记忆中。大大,我根本从来没想过你会对我说这些话。。你确定是我吗?我不想你后悔,我们的路 会很难走下去。
大大 :相信我,就是你,你就是我想要的人。以前是,现在是,以后都会是。永远,永远,我爱的只有你,小小,一个人。不管路会多难走,有你陪我,我都不会怕。
小小 :那我也不怕,多难走,一起走。
大大 :是的,多难走,一起走。
小小 :大大
大大 :小小 (两人拥抱)
小小 :我爱你
大大 :我爱你


Credit :谢谢方文山

An Aries's Compatibility


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I am a very superstitious human being, perhaps, I inherited it from my grandma. I will always look at my daily horoscope and Chinese zodiac once I woke up. In most of the readings, the things tend to turn into reality. ^.^Y
But, recently, when I was helping one of my friend, I found this website, discussing on the compatibility between each horoscope sign. I was born in April, 7 so I belong to the Ram, Aries. So what are your sign, and how good  or bad is our relationship, please select your own sign and read the description I provided here.

Don't take it seriously, it just for fun. 

Aries + Aries
Both Aries are very demanding individuals, and egoism may likely to dominate the partnership if both sides unable to calm down. Both sides tend to see themselves to be the person doing the right decision. Besides that, both of you are creative individuals and sparks of inspiration will fly between you. This combination is going to be dynamic, bold and extremely exciting. One great thing between two Aries is both will encourage each other in their respective works and social areas. (credit-Astrology.com)

Aries + Taurus
Relationship between an Aries and a Taurus will focus more on financial and materialistic side of life. It may be a combination for those who want to become business partner and it could even make you rich. It is important if Aries can put aside his/her ego and match the behaviour of his more grounded style Taurus partner's. An Aries tend to fiery and spontaneous in response to life's challenges unlike Taurus, who seem to be slower and more laid back, prefers a steadier pace. On the emotional level, Taurus is more possessive and dependent than Aries. You can be quite changeable in mood. You will be in trouble if you take everything from Taurus for granted. (credit-Astrology.com)

Aries + Gemini
Gemini is a stimulator to an Aries. This combination is great, and both will enjoy friendship, great conversation and interesting social time together. In return, Gemini people do not really seek for stimulation. GEminis adore Aries endless conversation and sense of humors. Aries love a good laugh and Gemini is capable in giving that. Aries stay within the friendship zone of Gemini, and this indicates very successful social companionship. It seems the best connection between these two zodiacs may be friendship rather than serious bond. (credit-Astrology.com)

Aries + Cancer
Cancer is far more emotional than Aries itself but they are mostly shy and reserved creatures. An Aries can provide them motivation and guide them to be initiative and explore all the possibilities. Aries and Cancer will shared a steamy affair. A Cancer looks for an undemanding, stable home life whereas an Aries is far unwillingly to settle down. A Cancer should be able to give freedom to Aries, this partnership will going to work. (credit-Astrology.com)

Aries + Leo
Aries must understand that Leo is a proud and dominating sign. Respect is the main aspect in building up a relationship with a Leo. Question on who will rule will always appear. Once the competitiveness going on, one must give in and let the other to go. As long as this can be done, the relationship will not be a problem. Leo to Aries, maybe a bit controlling and too proud or someone who's going to offer spiritual blessings and fulfillment. (credit-Astrology.com)

Aries + Virgo
Virgo is a perfectionist and always go with cool, critical thinking. They are completely the other side of Aries and may look odds with them, even irritated by them. Aries could easily get themselves pretty angry with Virgo highly moral attitudes. However, Virgo benefit Aries in financial and work areas of life. There are many lessons that an Aries could learn from the Virgo. Virgo are good supporter. Virgo are born to be serve and lead. The combination for Aries and Virgo are always not a good choice. (credit-Astrology.com)

Aries + Libra
Libra are totally an opposite to Aries but it is said to be a very good combination due to that "opposite attract". Libra is not good in making decision as Aries. They need guidance from Aries and afraid for mistakes. In working areas, Libra is sympathetic to their broader perspectives. Both are very sociable but in different styles. Libra need to explore conversations and personalities deeply whereas Aries just prefer on the surface and move on to new conquests and experiences. (credit-Astrology.com)

Aries + Scorpio
Without doubt, a Scorpio and an Aries is a unique yet intense combination from the outset. Aries, like to dominate and lead a relationship and Scorpio will let it be for a while. But latter, Scorpio tend to plan to take over the lead position. Scorpio is secretive and subtle, whereas Aries is front and blatant. Scorpio do say what's on their mind, but usually not saying it immediately. Both opinions are different since both sides look differently towards perspective of life. Scorpio can lead you to look beneath the surface of life, enjoying in exploring deeper sides of life together. (credit-Astrology.com)

Aries + Sagitarius
Both zodiacs are combined to be explosive and adventurous. Each of them have short attention span and need for constant variety. It provide great joy and playfulness as well. Understandings reflects some of the qualities between each other. But, discussions may be lead to angry and disagreement. Aries will support Sagittarius for their ambitions. On the other hand, Sagittarius will bring lucks for Aries and a great spiritual influence. (credit-Astrology.com)

Aries + Capricorn

It is a really tough combination for romance. Aries are extroverted while Capricorn are introverted and shy. Both are very distinctly different in attitudes. The relationship give a freedom-less feeling as Capricorn sometimes can be too conservative. However, work may not be a problem since both can work professionally well and make money together. (credit-Astrology.com)

Aries + Aquarius
Aries and Aquarius are both extremely independent individuals and need plenty space to grow. Respect can bring out better qualities in both. Both tend to adore with each other. Aquarius is a sign of friendship to Aries Aries have a strong ego, Aquarius more concerned with humanitarian issues. Aquarius is always a guidance to Aries. Basically, both are attracted to each other. The communication between will flow nicely and give plenty of good times. (credit-Astrology.com)

Aries + Pieces
Initially the connection is stable but in fact, only to realize that connection is not strong at all. Aries should think carefully before involving themselves with Pieces. Pieces are Aries's hidden and secretive zone, could form mysterious in relationship. Aries can plough through any situation but Pieces thin-skinned, experiences things from different vantage points. A good side is Pieces are good supporter and will teach you about spirituality, empathy, compassion and deeper mysteries of life. (credit-Astrology.com)

! Don't take it seriously ya, this is just prediction and it's not true sometimes. But who's know it seems true to some of us. Fellow Aries, Ram. ^.^

Level Up


Monday, March 7, 2011

Viewing back to my previous post, it was written on February and now it is already March. Huh..how fast the time passes us...and I hardly can imagine April is reaching and I am officially half graduating from Marine Biology (half ??? because I still have to do my industrial training).

Wao.....graduation. I still could remembered the day, when I sat at the DSM looking at the entrance door and asked myself, 

"How long is three years? I hope I can leave this HELL place as soon as possible."

But now, when the one and half months is coming soon, and I am hoping that,

"Can time please move slowly, so that I can enjoy more, with all my friends here."

I knew that my new episode will begin shooting soon, but I still love this current episode. Boring in telling people how much I grew up. Not in term of age ya, but maturity and size !!! But recently, I really did something awesome that I don't believe I have did it. Like what David sang, "There can be a miracle, when you believe"

Sob. No surprise for my UNI friends since most of them knew about it. Haha...actually nothing special but I just to make it a big issue. But really, for those my secondary mates, for sure, you will  not going to believe it, because this is not that Euson that you all knew before. 

I went to an AUDITION with my two coursemates, Wei Khang and Eric. It was fun, but scary. I knew some of you may think, you went to an audition, what so special ? But, it's not all about that, I actually become  Gaga boy in front of the judges. The judges raised up their eyebrow when I sang that song, not because of myself sang it in a stupid way, but ...... just cannot translate it into words. Hehe...later I sang another song, which is a ballad, just to cover up.

Although, it was not something like Malaysian Idol, but I think I did share the same feeling as all the idol contestants felt right before entering the judging room. But, applause to all the participants for having the gut to do it, especially to both my dearest coursemates. I was the third to enter the room and to be honest, my previous two fella were damn superb, their vocals were loud and clear, not like mine. So as the other contestants after me.

I disqualified myself after I finished with my both songs. Not that I'm having low self-confidence, but I knew how much my quality goes. It must be a lie that one said "I don't mind if I don't get a place in the final". I really felt a little bit disappointed when someone told me I got no chance at all to be in the final, but I do understand it is a game, someone should lose and someone will gain his or her victory. But this thing really get myself into a new stage of my life, level up la konon...

Right to this moment, I think my FYP is my priority. I should put other works aside until it end on 27th March 2011. Aiyoyoyo...I still doing my discussion part, I need my MOMMY and PAPPY but seems like both of them currently buZZZying with their own respective administration works. Argh...gimme INSPIRATION, nope, IDEA, nope Grrrrrr...anything to heat me up and make me stay focus to my journalssssssssssssss...

Bear this in mind, Euson,